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Our brand philosophy is rooted in a passion for two things: details and truth. The details are what distinguish us, define us and drive us. The truth is inherently inside us and determines how we approach our work. The world is not defined by rights and wrongs, only by individual truths.

Everyone has their own truth.
About exploration and escape and outlandish ideas. They are meticulous and sometimes ridiculous. More intuition than conscious choice. But they are the truths that define who we are.

The small things. The minutiae. The unseen.
The nuances that you notice but others maybe don’t. The inside-out authenticity. The fearlessness. The reinvention. These itsy-bitsy details – that’s our obsession. The Japanese-style cold-water washing. The masterful Italian weaves. The copper hardware and golden rivets. The hidden fobs and five-point pockets.

The ceaseless search for rich fabrics that age gracefully over time. Knowing that black-satin powder is more powerful than black alone. Indigo above blue. All that ripping and sewing and cutting up again. Reimagining fashion with a sharp pair of scissors. Together, this is what makes us unique, above average. The details are what makes us, us. And our truth is in the details.


691 Stitches in the DENHAM Scissor Logo

Jason Denham has collected thousands of pairs of tailoring scissors throughout his career, each with a unique history. However, one pair holds a special place in his heart: his first pair, the pair that inspired the brand's iconic logo. The logo artwork was initially rendered by hand in watercolour before being digitised. The end result is a unique impression that combines both craft and technology, in line with our design mantra 'Worship Tradition, Destroy Convention.' Made of 691 stitches, done by hand using a sewing machine, the scissor logo is also a metaphor for the DENHAM team spirit, with the two blades working together for an exceptional result.


Premium Hardware

In all our designs, we aim to combine our vintage inspirations with original DENHAM details. One example is our premium hardware. Copper hardware has been used in workwear since 1873, which means it has been around for nearly as long as denim jeans have. We use premium brass hardware with a matt black finishing, giving a luxurious and modern twist to a classic.

Rivets are placed on the areas of jeans most likely to be pulled or stressed. This helps keep the denim together and ensure the jeans are more durable over time. Most brands emboss the tops of their rivets, but our brass rivets are coated and embossed on both sides, so our logo appears on the interior and exterior of your jeans. After all, the truth is in the details.


Embossed Rivets

Rivets are placed on the areas of jeans most likely to be pulled or stressed. This helps keep the denim together and ensure the jeans are more durable over time. Most brands emboss the tops of their rivets, but our brass rivets are coated and embossed on both sides, so our logo appears on the interior and exterior of your jeans. After all, the truth is in the details.


Printed interior Yoke Panel

Our yoke panels are finished with our signature print – a collection of scissor artwork we’ve designed over the years. So, every time you look inside your jeans, you’ll see a little bit of history.